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Technology in Elementary School

By rwinden
  • TVs

    Teachers would use TVs and CD/VCR players to show educational videos about a variety of topics.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    An overhead projector was used in the classroom to share activities or work with the entire class. Teachers would use this in multiple ways to do notes, explain assignments or show the class different objects.
  • Computers

    Computers were used to take AR tests in the library to assess my understanding of the books I was reading.
  • Educational Games - Typing Lessons

    Educational Games - Typing Lessons
    On the computer, I learned how to type through online educational games and tutorials. This program allowed me to practice using a keyboard, getting my fingers in the correct spots and would assess my understanding.
  • CD Player

    CD Player
    In third grade, my teacher would play CDs, using a CD player, to play songs that helped me learn my multiplication tables.