Technology History

  • Telescopes are invented

    Telescopes are invented
    Telescopes were invented to help people see things that were far away.
  • Computers are invented

    Computers are invented
    It is used as a device to help us calculate and do things for us automatically. They help us do things faster than we can do them making life easier.
  • Batteries are invented

    Batteries are used in some electronic devices to power them up. They can be recharged nowadays. Before, we could only use them once until they ran out of power. Now we use batteries not only for small devices but also for cars!
  • Sewing Machines are invented

    Sewing Machines are invented
    Sewing machines are used instead of hand sewing as an easier alternitive. It is not only easier but neater and faster. The sewing machines are now used commonly for making clothes and sewing fabric.
  • Keyboards are invented

    Keyboards are invented
    Typewriters were the ancestors of the keyboards, they made them so that they could have a tool that helped them write
  • Telephones are invented

    Telephones are invented
    Telephones were invented for the purpose of having a conversation that isn’t heard directly and to talk to someone that is not close to them.
  • Light Bulbs are invented

    Light Bulbs are invented
    It was invented to light up places when there is no sun light. It is used in the night as a substitute of candles. Light bulbs are more powerful and sustainable.
  • Radio is invented

    Radio is invented
    The radio was first called wireless telegraphy, it was used to transmit messages or sounds. It was often used for news, music etc.
  • Headphones are invented

    Headphones are invented
    Headphones are used to make sound that only you can hear. The headphones are like small speakers that are supposed to be placed near to a persons ear.
  • Televisions are invented

    Televisions are invented
    The television transmits sound and moving images for our own entertainment. It can transmit information in black and white, colour and three dimensional images.
  • Casette Tapes are invented

    Casette Tapes are invented
    Cassette Tapes were made to record or play audio and remember it so that it could be played later on.