Period: to
Computer Graphics
Ivan Sutherland develops Sketchpad, one of the first computer-aided design programs. http://deseng.ryerson.ca/dokuwiki/mec222:brief_history_of_computer_graphics -
First Mobile Phone
Martin Cooper develops the first handheld cellphone. https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/guides/history-of-mobile-phones/ -
First purchase of an item coded with a barcode. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/history-bar-code-180956704/ -
Apple Computers
Created and founded by Steve Jobs http://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/apple/history-of-apple-steve-jobs-mac-3606104/ -
IBM's first affordable computer
IBM releases its own affordable personal computer (PC). -
Compact discs (CDs) are launched as a new way to store music by Sony and Philips https://www.philips.com/a-w/research/technologies/cd/beginning.html -
Radio Station
Broadcast.com becomes one of the world's first online radio stations. -
Pierre Omidyar launches the eBay auction website. -
Electronics companies agree to make Wi-Fi a worldwide standard for wireless Internet. -
MP3 Players
Apple announces their iPod MP3 music player. https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-mp4-1992132 -
iRobot Corporation releases the first version of its Roomba vacuum cleaning robot. http://www.irobot.com/About-iRobot/Company-Information/History.aspx -
Apple introduces a touchscreen cellphone called the iPhone. http://historycooperative.org/the-history-of-the-iphone/ -
The Kindle
Amazon.com launches its Kindle electronic book (e-book) reader. -
Apple releases its touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad. https://www.lifewire.com/history-of-the-ipad-1994668