Technology from 2000-2010

  • Microsoft Windows XP

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. XP was an abbreviation for the word "experience" to help signify that a user who is a part of the new Microsoft Windows XP would have a more advanced experience compared to other previous additions. With the introduction of Microsoft Windows XP, it allowed a more secure and safe way to browse and use different software. It paved the way for better upgraded versions of Microsoft.
  • Safari

    Safari was created by Apple which at the time was owned by Steve Jobs. Safari was a web browser that allowed people to have access to different databases to access information from across the world. It currently ranks #4 on most used browsers.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    The Xbox 360 was a console released by Microsoft. It had a variety of uses although it's main one was to play video games. Its features allowed the streaming of videos, pictures and much more. It paved the way for the advancements of gaming consoles, becoming extremely popular in the 2000s.
  • iPhone

    The very first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs. The iPhone had a variety of different features. A few of which were text messages, a visual voicemail, and access to different applications such as safari, YouTube, and music. The creation of the iPhone later introduced more advanced technology.
  • iPad

    The iPad, another Apple creation was similar to the iPhone but provided more features. Because of it's larger size, it was optimal for things such as reading, watching videos, and browsing the web. This technology allowed an easier way of browsing while also being a small enough size to carry around.