First Radio broadcoast
Radio station KDKA based in Pittsburgh began the first broadcast. -
Firt TV Signal
John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal. -
First 8mm Camera
First 8 mm amateur motion picture film, cameras, and projectors are introduced by Kodak -
First Propose of Cellular Phone
Douglas H. Ring and W. Rae Young of Bell Labs propose a cell-based approach which led to "cellular phones." -
TV First Broadcast
Full-scale commercial television is first broadcast. -
Direct Distance Dialing
Gave 11 cites area code and you can daily it your self. -
The Computer Mouse
Helps to navageted, websites like Fox News. -
First Communications Satellite is Launched
First geosynchronous communications satellite -
First Computerized Switching system for telephone traffic
Erna Schneider Hoover invent a computerized switching system for telephone traffic. -
PC Market is born
The personal computer (PC) market is born. -
Digital cellphone technology.
Was invited by the people at Bell Labs. It allow you to talk wirelessly over radio waves. -
First Megapixel Sensor
Kodak scientists invent the world's first megapixel sensor. -
World Wide Web (WWW)
Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau build the prototype system which becames the World Wide Web at CERN. -
First SMS (Text Message)
Neil Papworth sends the first SMS (or text message). -
First Internet "Radio" is born
internet radio broadcasting is born. -
Caller ID
Caller ID implemented nationally in USA -
Sirius is launch
Sirius satellite radio is introduced. -
First Camera Phone
The first phone with a built in camera. -
First Socal Media
MySpace is launched. -
Launch of iTunes
Apple launches the iTunes Music Store and sells one million songs in its first week -
Facebook was Launch
Facebook as a social media was launch, now today is one of the largerest social media site on the internet. -
YouTube, the video sharing site is launched. -
Twitter Microblogg Started
First Smart Phone
The first phone that now set the standard for todays Smart Phone -
Some what likes WIkipedia just for government infomation.