
  • Camera phone

    Camera phone
    The first camera phone was created by Philippe Kahn. It was to shared pictures instantly of the entire public networks. It can send photos into real time.
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    The use of a USB Flash Drive is to store information and data that can be moved between any devices. Don Moran was responsible for the creation of the USB Flash Drive.
  • iTunes Launch

    iTunes Launch
    iTunes is a type of a media player that Apple developed and where Apple users can use. Some people use it for music, broadcasts, movies, and videos.
  • Blue-ray optical disc Release

    Blue-ray optical disc Release
    Blue-ray optical disc offers higher and better quality and coloring movies in a comparison into a DVD.
  • Mac Pro released

    Mac Pro released
    Apple introduced the Mac Pro as a fully customizable quad-core computer. The Mac Pro can run windows 10, used for to listen to music, videos, watching movies, film and video creation, photo editing, and also researching information.