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    Technology of the 2000s

  • USB flashdrive

    USB flashdrive
    Invented by Dov Moran in 2000
    The USB flashdrive is a removable and compact data storage device. It is easier to travel with smaller amounts of data, and can transfer files and videos to any computer with a USB port.
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    Microsoft came out with Windows XP in 2001.
    It was more efficient than the previous Windows programs. It had many versions to accommodate specific uses, such as Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, and Windows XP Media Center. It ran faster than Windows 2000, and was very user friendly. It also had Fast-User switching, which allowed the same computer to be shared by multiple users.
  • Bluetooth Headphones

    Bluetooth Headphones
    Dr Jaap Haartsen released bluetooth headphones in 2004. Bluetooth headphones allow a wireless connection between a computer and a pair of headphones. These first bluetooth headphones are the reason most headphones are now wireless.
  • Wii Console

    Wii Console
    In 2006, Nintendo released the Wii Console. The inventor of the console was Shigeru Miyamoto, who still works at Nintendo. The Wii was the first gaming console that required player to physically move around with the special motion control controllers. It was an innovation that lead to the other motion control gaming systems that came after it. Now, most gaming systems use wireless, motion control controllers.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was released by Apple in 2007 and its inventor was Steve Jobs. The release of the first iPhone paved the way for many newer and greater models of the smart phone. It had no keyboard like other smart phones at the time, and it had the ability to access the internet.