
Technology Development

By willfer
  • 2010 BCE

    Artificial Intelligence

    Advances in AI lead to innovations in various fields, including healthcare, finance, and automation.
  • 2000 BCE

    21st Century . Smartphones

    Smartphones (2000s): The introduction of smartphones integrates communication, computing, and internet access into one device.
    Social Media (2000s): Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram reshape social interactions and information sharing.
  • 1990 BCE

    Internet and Mobile Phones

    Internet (1960s - 1990s): The development of ARPANET and the World Wide Web transforms communication and access to information.
    Mobile Phones (1980s - 1990s): The introduction of mobile phones changes personal communication.
  • 1980 BCE

    Late 20th Century

    Personal Computer: The development and popularization of personal computers like the Apple II and IBM PC.
  • 1940 BCE


    Early computers like the ENIAC are developed, marking the start of the digital age.
  • 1920 BCE

    Early 20th Century - Automobile

    Henry Ford’s assembly line makes cars affordable for many people.The advent of radio broadcasting changes entertainment and news distribution.
  • 1712 BCE

    Industrial Revolution (1700s - 1800s)

    Steam Engine: Thomas Newcomen develops the first efficient steam engine, powering factories and trains.
  • 1500 BCE

    Early Technologies (Before 1500)

    Stone Tools: Early humans create tools for hunting and building.
  • 1400 BCE

    Printing Press

    Printing Press: Johannes Gutenberg invents the movable type printing press, revolutionizing the spread of information.
  • Electricity and Telegraph

    Michael Faraday and others develop theories and technologies for generating and using electricity. Later, in 1830Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, allowing rapid long-distance communication.