Technology Events

  • First home computer

    First home computer
    Dial-up internet for the first year image source:
  • First social media account - Myspace

    First social media account - Myspace
    Created first social media in high school. image source:
  • Create Facebook Account

    Create Facebook Account
    Created Facebook to communicate for a group project in an education class
    image source:
  • Took first fully online course

    Took first fully online course
    West Virginia History Course at Marshall University
  • First Smart Phone - Samsung Galaxy

    First Smart Phone - Samsung Galaxy
    Purchased first smart phone.
    image source:
  • Google Maps Account Activity

    Google Maps Account Activity
    Previously printed turn by turn instructions when traveling to new places.
    image source:
  • Cabell County Schools 1:1

    Cabell County Schools 1:1
    School district purchases an ipad or Macbook for every student. Expanded technology led to more instructional options in the classroom.
    image source: