Prosthetic Limbs
In 1846, Benjamin Palmer created a artificial leg using springs and metal tendons.
Retrieved from: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/reform/jb_reform_artificial_1.html -
Hearing Aids
In 1898, Miller Reese Hutchison created the first electric hearing aid. His design used an electric current to amplify weak signals.
Retrieved from: https://decibelhearing.com/history-hearing-aids/ -
Hearing Aid Video
Wheel Chair
In 1916, the first motorized wheelchair was manufactured in London. A motorized or power wheelchair is one where a small motor drives the wheels to revolve. Retrieved from: https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-wheelchair-1992670 -
Power Wheelchair Video
Walking Sticks
After World War II, Doctor Richard Hoover developed the "long cane" method of cane travel as a means to help blinded veterans return to a more functional lifestyle. Retrieved from: https://www.fashionablecanes.com/about-canes.html -
Quizzes over Alternative Keyboards
Alternative Keyboards
Dvorak's served as adviser to a student who was writing a master's thesis about typing errors. Because touch typing had become widespread, Dvorak concluded that a new, more efficient layout needed to be devised to serve people with high words-per-minute rates.
Retrieved from:https://www.wired.com/2010/05/0512dvorak-keyboard-patent/ -
Over sized Trackball Mouse
The first mouse-like device, the trackball, was invented by a British scientist, working at the British Royal Navy Scientific Service in 1946.
It was designed to replace the joystick as the main input device for one of the navy’s radar systems.
Retrieved from: https://www.sacatech.com/2019/08/15/where-did-your-mouse-come-from/ -
Readers Screen
Jim Thatcher knew a blind man, and wanted to create a screen that others like him could use. The two men worked together, when Thatcher mention he was just having fun and didn;t know how popular it would be.
Retrieved from: https://www.afb.org/aw/5/2/14760 -
Speech Recognition Programs
The introduction of faster microprocessors, speech, in 1990. The world's first speech recognition software for consumers was developed. It was the first continuous dictation software, meaning one did not have to pause between words.
Retrieved from:http://www.happyscribe.co/blog/history-voice-recognition/ -
Quiz over Speech Recognition
Fidget Spinners
This simple movement of fidget spinners helps positively channel emotions by relieving stress and tension when anxious or by increasing concentration when bored.The fidget spinner allows people to fidget without interfering with another's concentration.
Retrieved from:https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/promo-university/history-of-fidget-spinners.htm -
Fidget Spinner Video
Technology was created for Disability
Information Technology is clearly identified as an enabler in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the first human rights treaty specifically addressing the rights and needs of persons with disabilities
Retrieved from: http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/123481461249337484/WDR16-BP-Bridging-the-Disability-Divide-through-Digital-Technology-RAJA.pdf