Technological Advances of the 60s

  • Audio Cassette

    Audio Cassette
    Invented by Phillips Co.
    Audio Cassettes allowed us to bring our favorite tunes with us, as records were not as portable nor as reasonable to input in a car radio eventully.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Invented by Douglas Engelbart
    Computer mouses are used every day now in order to navigate our computers. Without the computer mouse, we likely would not have advanced as much via computers because it would take much longer to navigate them.
  • First Video Game Console

    First Video Game Console
    Invented by Ralph Baer
    We all know what video game consoles have turned into, and at this point we have pro gamers who are making money from playing these video games. The video game console has created an abundance of jobs and entertainment.
  • Dynamic Random Access Memory

    Dynamic Random Access Memory
    Robert Dennard redesigned and modified RAM to create Dynamic Random Access Memory, also known as DRAM
  • ATM machine

    ATM machine
    Invented by Don Wetzel
    The ATM machine was invented to make withdrawing cash easier, and they are most helpful when located in places that only accept cash payments. While ATMS seems to be used less in this generation, they were essential for our growth as a species.