World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee created the world wide web that would change the way people and businesses operate forever.http://webfoundation.org/about/vision/history-of-the-web/ -
Wifi, the thing that ever kid needs in order to use their phone. Wifi connects to the internet and makes everything load much faster, it's a vital piece for our homes and our phones. http://www.economist.com/node/2724397 -
The first smartphone was created in 1992 opening the door for hand held technology. http://www.businessinsider.com/worlds-first-smartphone-simon-launched-before-iphone-2015-6 -
NetFlix has become so huge in the past few years, they have hundreds of movies and TV shows ready for the users to stream. They are soon going to make cable obsolete. www.netflix.com -
Google Was Invented
Google was invented by two college students that would change the way that people use computers and also allow users to advance their knowledge. www.google.com -
In 2002 a new form of technology was created, the tablet. The first tablet created was the XP tablet that set the ground for others to build off of and improve.
http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-visual-proof-of-just-how-badly-microsoft-blew-it-with-tablets-2013-5 -
MySpace was pretty much the first big social media site, pretty much your modern day FaceBook. But it opened the doors for other companies to advance and create different social media site. www.myspace.com -
Facebook is the biggest social media site because they have millions of people who are active on their site, they ultimately took over MySpace and has been very popular ever since. www.facebook.com -
YouTube was created in 2005, and it's much different than other social media sites because instead of sharing pictures or statuses, the users share videos! I love youtube because they offer so much and is extremely beneficial. www.youtube.com -
Twitter was created in 2006, creating a huge switch in social media. It is very popular with the younger audience. www.twitter.com -
Bing was created in 2009 as a stem off of Google, adding another search website allowed people to expand their knowledge because Bing could have different material than Google. www.bing.com -
Instagram was created in 2010 allowing their users to share pictures and videos, I love how they are strictly pictures because it allows the users to become more creative. www.instagram.com