Technology Advancements

By CathyC
  • Creation of Google

    Creation of Google
    Google has got to be one of the biggest innovations in the technological world. It has helped so many and it used by everyone.
  • Youtube is released

    Youtube is released
    Youtube has made such a big impact on my live and I am sure many others. Its creation has led to this huge platform in which people can express themselves and others who can watch that.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    The iPhone is such a popular phone now. It is crazy to think what would be if it wasn't invented.
  • Instagram release

    Instagram release
    Instagram has become a very popular social media platform. It allows people to communicate with one another by sharing media, being able to like/comment on others media and with messaging mechanisms.
  • Tiktok release

    Tiktok release
    Although it was released by a Chinese technology company that did not slow down the hype of the app. It is probably the most popular app to date. It is so cool and exciting to share and receive medias of all kinds just at the swipe of a finger.