
  • Steam calculator

    Steam calculator
    is an automatic mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions. It was designed in the 1820s, and was first created by Charles Babbage.
  • Hollerith punch card

    Hollerith punch card
    he Hollerith punched card was the principal means for recording, accounting and archiving functions
  • HP

    information technology company. HP was founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in 1939. Their first product was an audio oscillator and one of their first customers Walt Disney.
  • Turing

    Alan Turing was famous for his work developing the first modern computers, decoding the encryption of German Enigma machines during the second world war, and detailing a procedure known as the Turing Test, forming the basis for artificial intelligence.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    Hopper is best known for her trailblazing contributions to computer programming, software development, and the design and implementation of programming languages
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart, (born January 30, 1925, Portland, Oregon, U.S.—died July 2, 2013, Atherton, California), American inventor whose work beginning in the 1950s led to his patent for the computer mouse, the development of the basic graphical user interface (GUI), and groupware. Engelbart won the 1997 A.M.Jan 10, 2024
  • apple inc.

    apple inc.
    Apple Computer, Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who brought to the new company a vision of changing the way people viewed computers. Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their homes or offices.
  • Windows

    What is Windows in simple words?
    What is Windows - javatpoint
    Windows is a graphical operating system developed by Microsoft. It allows users to view and store files, run the software, play games, watch videos, and provides a way to connect to the internet. It was released for both home computing and professional works.
  • Tim Berners

    Tim Berners
    Why did Tim Berners-Lee invent the Internet?
    Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN.
  • WIFI

    Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smart phones and wearables), and other equipment (printers and video cameras) to interface with the Internet.
  • Iphone

    The first iPhone was released in June 2007. Announced by Steve Jobs in January 2007, the groundbreaking device combined the functionality of an iPod, a mobile phone, and a breakthrough internet communicator.
  • chromebook

    The first Chromebooks for sale, by Acer Inc. and Samsung, were announced at the Google I/O conference in May 2011 and began shipping on June 15, 2011.
  • apple watch

    apple watch
    The Apple Watch was released in April 2015, and quickly became the best-selling wearable device: 4.2 million were sold in the second quarter of fiscal 2015, and more than 115 million people were estimated to use an Apple Watch as of December 2022.