
  • First Camera

    First Camera
    The first camera was made in 1839. It had a very long photo top and it did not have much buttons for zoom, view and video.
  • Typewriter

    A typewriter was like a computer in olden days. It was like a kind of keyboard with a paper. If there was a mistake they had to use white out to erase it, there were no back spaces.
  • First computer

    First computer
    I think the first computer was invented because men needed to work as they were tired of using the typewriter
  • First Samsung product

    First Samsung product
    The first Samsung product was a Black-and-white TV. It was used to watch TV at those times. But at those times it was black and white.
  • First Apple Product

    First Apple Product
    The Apple I, Apple's first product, circuit board and lacked basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case.
  • First cell phone

    First cell phone
    A cell-phone used to be so important at that time because before that there used to be no phones so no could talk to each other
  • First laptop

    First laptop
    The first laptop was made in 1981. It was a very thick laptop and it had a very small screen.
  • First IPad

    First IPad
    The first IPad was made in 2010. It had all sorts of things that an IPhone but an IPad is special because it is very big.
  • IPhone 6+

    IPhone 6+
    A IPhone 6 plus is just basically a bigger version of all the IPhones.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Apple Watches are special because they can tell you the time and that if there something really important on your phone and your phone is far away you can read it on your phone.