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    2000's Computer Inventions

  • iPod

    Inventors: Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell
    The iPod is a portable music player sold by Apple. It was created to be used as a convenient and upgraded MP3 player that accessed a digital music store. This was convenient for consumers that wanted to listen, download, and purchase music in the palm of their hand.
  • Roomba

    Invented by Joe Jones
    The Roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has detection sensors to avoid obstacles on the floor or furniture. Consumers did not need to vacuum themselves if they used a Roomba.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Invented by Nintendo, design by Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda
    The Wii was a Nintendo gaming console that introduced new games, controllers, and most importantly new ways to interact with a gaming console through their interactive and motion sensing controllers. Consumers were able to play games more physically.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    Invented by Jeff Bezos and Gregg Zehr
    The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reading system that allows Consumers to visit the Amazon website wirelessly to purchase, store, and access reading content on a tablet like monitor. The Kindle became the first widely consumed electronic reading system.
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone
    Invented by Steve Jobs and Apple
    The Apple iPhone is a smartphone that is a combination of a cell phone, web browser, music player, GPS, and camera. The iPhone uses a touchscreen interface for better usability. Consumer lives were changed by this smartphone because of its all-in-one capabilities and accessibility to the web.