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By abbys23
  • iPod

    In September of 2008, Apple released the iPod touch 2nd
    generation. This iPod was one of the first iPods that was able to connect to the internet. This allowed people to check the news, look stuff up, and provided full access to emails without having a computer. I was lucky enough to purchase my iPod 2 shortly after they came out.
  • iPad Mini

    iPad Mini
    In November of 2012, Apple again released a great invention. However this time it was the iPad mini. The iPad mini provided people with faster internet. It also acted like a mini computer that you could hold in your hand if needed. I got my iPad mini in 2012 and it provided me with a way to communicate with my friends outside of school and on social media.
  • My First Phone

    My First Phone
    In 2013, I got my first phone. It was a Samsung Brightside. This phone enhanced my life as I am sure it did with others. This phone allowed me to text and call whoever I needed. It provided a way for me to commutate with others without being connected to WIFI. This phone among other styles changed the way our society worked by providing wireless communication
  • First Smart Phone

    First Smart Phone
    While the first smartphone is said to be released in 1992, I did not get my first one until 2016. This phone allowed me to use the internet without be connecting to WIFI. Smart phones paved a way for new age work. They allow people to do anything and everything on the go. You no longer have to be at home or work to get things done but with a smartphone as long as you have service you can work on the go.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Chromebooks were invented in 2011. These use a google based software and provide people with a cheap version of a laptop. They can do everything a normal laptop could do however, they are sold at a low price. I got my own Chromebook in 2017 and it only cost me $100. While it was so cheap, I was still able to more it around use it wherever I was doing my homework.