technology 1975 to 2016

  • Mario Bros

    Mario Bros
    Mario Bros came out in 1983 it was a game people played
  • Google

    google was made in 1998 you can look up anything on google
  • GameCube

    A GameCube was made in 2001 it was an game most children played
  • ipod

    A ipod was made in 2001 it was a thing that played music
  • Myspace

    Myspace was an social media it was first created in 2003 august 1st.
  • Motorola

    a Motorola was made in 2011 it was a phone most people used
  • Shigeru Miyamoto

    Shigeru Miyamoto
    Shirgeru Miyamoto is a famous created who created a game called mario he passed away in 2015