Technology 1975-2016

  • First Personal Computer invented

    First Personal Computer invented
    The first personal computer developed by Adam Osborne, as The Osborne.
  • The invention of the NES

    The invention of the NES
    The creation of the Nintendo Entertainment System was a important leap in the video game world.
  • The release of the Sega Genesis

    The release of the Sega Genesis
    The Sega Genesis was the competitor of the NES (Shown above), and was the first major competitor of the NES.
  • Bluetooth was made

    Bluetooth was made
    The first Bluetooth device was created by Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • www.

    The "World Wide Web" (originally all one word) was first proposed by Sir Tim Berners Lee of CERN.
  • Javascript was invented

    Javascript was invented
    JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language.
  • Google became popular

    Google became popular
    In 1998 Google became popular. It was invented previously, then became popular later.
  • First BlackBerry phone released

    First BlackBerry phone released
    The first BlackBerry phone was released, this was an extremely popular line of phones.
  • The IPod

    The IPod
    The IPod was a device that played music, this wasn't the first of portable music players, but it held the most storage, allowing more music on it.
  • The release of Skype

    The release of Skype
    Skype is used to commune with others face to face, instead of voice to voice on a normal phone.
  • Oculus Rift

    Oculus Rift
    The Oculus Rift is a device that simulates you looking around in a game or scene.
  • Mini NES is released

    Mini NES is released
    The Mini NES is a smaller version with lots of NES games already downloaded onto it.