
By Lingyan
  • Charles Babbage's born

    Charles Babbage's born
    The place where Babbage were born was a very controversial place. But according to Dictionary of National Biography, he was most likely born in Crosby row 44 in London.
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    Charles Babbage

    He was an english polymath.
    As a result of the design concept of difference engine and analysis engine (and some implementation of the machine), he is regarded as a computer pioneer.
    He also joined some political activities, but not that successful.
    Babbage’s basic idea of designing computing machines is to use “machines” to automate the process from calculation to printing, and to completely eliminate human errors.
    He was also an important economist in that time.
  • Charles Babbage's education

    Because of his father's ample funds, he was able to receive guidance from several schools and teachers at the elementary education stage. In order to recover from a fatal high fever when he was about 8 years old, he was sent to a rural school.
  • Charles Babbage university

    Charles Babbage university
    Babbage entered Trinity College, Cambridge University
  • Charles Babbage, Analytical Society

    Charles Babbage, Analytical Society
    Babbage, John Herschel, George Peacock and several friends formed the Analytical Society, and they were also close to Edward Lane. As a student, Babbage also participates in other clubs, such as the Ghost Club, which is engaged in exploring supernatural phenomena, and the Extractor's Club, which focuses on helping members to free their bodies and minds, and they are all very involved.
  • Charles Babbage's education level

    He obtained a degree without taking a test.
    He was believed to have made public blasphemy when defending a thesis, but it is unknown whether he did not take the exam because of this.
  • Ada Lovelace born

    Ada Lovelace born
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    Ada Lovelace

    Original after-name: Byron
    She was an English mathematician and writer.
    She was known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer.
    She was the first one that think computer is not only used to calculation.
    She was also the first one that generally acknowledged as a person who understood the "main use" of computer.
    She is one of the first computer programmers.
    She died of uterine cancer.
  • Ada Lovelace's eyesight

    When she was eight years old, her eyesight was affected by a headache
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles won the Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal for inventing mathematical and astronomical table calculation tools
  • Ada Lovelace's dream

    Ada Lovelace's dream
    She take the first steps, making wings
    She calculated and analyzed different materials and sizes, and tried various materials: paper, oil cloth, cables, feathers, etc.
    She studies the physiology and anatomy of birds and calculates the correct proportions of wings and body.
    Her project compiled her research findings and graphs into the book "Flight Science".
  • Ada Lovelace married

    Ada Lovelace married
    She married with William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace
  • Ada Lovelace died of

    Ada Lovelace died of
    Age 36
  • Charles Babbage's death

    Charles Babbage's death
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    John von Neumann

    He was an mathematician.
    The founder of theoretical computer science and game theory.
    He has made significant contributions in functional analysis, ergodic theory, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis, as well as in computer science, quantum mechanics, and economics.
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    Konrad Ernst Otto Zuse

    He is a German engineer and computer pioneer.
    His greatest achievement was the design of the world's first Turing computer Z3 with Turing complete program control in 1941 (the program used a punching machine). His S2 computer is believed to be the first process-controlled computer to help develop Henschel Werke's Hs-294 missile, which is the predecessor of modern cruise missile components. It is also considered an analog to digital converter.
  • Alan Turing born

    Alan Turing born
    Picture was taken when he was 16
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    Alan Turing

    He was an English mathematical, computer scientist and etc.
    He was known for formalization the concepts of algorithm with Turing machine.
    He was also known as to be the "father" of theoretical computer science.
    He was prosecuted for homosexuals act.
    He was a famous homosexual person in that time.
    He was voted as greatest person in 2019 in BBC.
    He suicides in 1954.06.07
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    John Adam Presper

    He is an American electrical engineer and computer pioneer. Invented the first universal electronic digital computer with John Mochiley, proposed the first course on computing, founded the Eckert-Mochiley Computer Company, and designed the first commercial computer UNIVAC in the United States. Including the mercury delay line memory invented by Mozilli.
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    Duglas Engelbart

    He invented mouse for computer and was known of that.
    He was an americans inventor.
    Pioneer in the development of hypertext systems, network computers, and graphical user interfaces.
    He died of Kidney failure.
  • John von Neumann's education level

    John von Neumann's education level
    Neumann received a doctorate in mathematics from Budapest University at the age of 22, and successively worked as a lecturer in mathematics at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Hamburg.
  • Alan Turing, Albert Einstein

    In 1928, when Turing was 16 years old, he began to read the works of Albert Einstein. Not only could he understand, but he also saw that Einstein had doubts about Newton’s laws of motion.
  • John von Neumann visiting professor

    John von Neumann visiting professor
    Neumann accepted the position of visiting professor at Princeton University.
  • John von Neumann professor

    John von Neumann professor
    In 1931, von Neumann became a tenured professor at Princeton University.
  • John von Neumann

    John von Neumann
    He was transferred to the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, and Einstein and others became one of the first four professors of the institute, without having to attend classes.
    This year, he partially solved Hilbert's fifth problem.
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    Irwin Jacobs Andrew Viterbi

    An American electrical engineer, co-founder and former CEO of Qualcomm.
    He is one of the founder of snapdragon that is using nowaday in smartphones.
    He works for Qualcomm.
    (He is still alive so the end date shows when I created this timespan)
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    Robert Elliot Kahn

    Robert Elliott Kahn, an American electrical engineer, and Vinton Cerf invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol. These two protocols became the basis of the Internet's core communication protocols. This also means that the Internet world has a unified "language", and its invention is considered a sign of the birth of the global Internet.
    (He is still alive)
  • Duglas Engelbart's graduation

    Duglas Engelbart's graduation
    He graduated from Franklin High School in Portland
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    Martin Edward Hellman

    He is a cryptographer and has made important contributions to public key encryption technology. Developed the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technology together with Whitfield Diffie and won the 2015 Turing Award.
  • Douglas Carl Engelbart

    Douglas Carl Engelbart
    He received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University (Oregon State College at the time) after the WWII
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    Steve Wozniak

    He was one of these people who created Apple company.
    He was an American IT
    He invented first and second generation of Apple computers.
    Also called Woz.
    Author of personal biography "iWoz"
    (He is still alive now so the end day is just the day that I created this time line)
  • Ada Lovelace's effect

    Ada Lovelace's effect
    One hundred years after her death, in 1953, Ada Lovelace's previous notes on Charles Babbage’s "Introduction to the Analytical Machine" were republished
  • Alan Turing died of suicide

    Alan Turing died of suicide
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    Tim Berners-Le

    He was an english computer scientist.
    He created the World Wide Web
    (He is still alive so the end date shows the date that I created this timespan)
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    Bill Gates

    He was an american business magnate, software developer, investor, author, and philanthropist.
    Ranked No. 2 in Forbes' 2019 Billionaires List in 2019.
    He worked for Microsoft.
    Designed Altair BASIC interpreter for Altair 8800 computer with partner Paul Allen.
    (He is still alive so the end date shows when I created this timespan)
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    Andrew E. Rubin

    He is an American Jewish computer technology expert and entrepreneur, leading the development of the Android operating system, and has the title of "Father of Android". (He is still alive so the end date is the date I created this timespan)
  • Steve Wozniak's leave of absence 1

    Wozniak being expelled from the University of Colorado Boulder in his first year for hacking the university's computer system.
  • Steve Wozniak's leave of absence 2

    Steve Wozniak's leave of absence 2
    After Woz finished his junior year at Berkeley, in order to raise his senior year tuition and buy a new car, he took a leave of absence again and entered Electroglas Technology Company as an electronic technician.
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    Lawrence Edward Larry Page

    An American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur.
    Ranked 8th in the Forbes 400 richest American list announced in September 2020, with assets of US$67.5 billion.
    At Stanford University, Page met Sergey Brin. They started running Google together in 1998.
    On April 4, 2011, Larry Page succeeded Eric Schmidt as CEO of Google.
    (He is still alive so the end date shows when I created this timespan)
  • Steve Wozniak, Silicon Valley "Homemade Computer Club"

    Steve Wozniak, Silicon Valley "Homemade Computer Club"
    Old friend Baum informed Woz that "a group of TV and video terminal equipment will hold a party." In fact, it was the first gathering of the Silicon Valley "Homemade Computer Club" that was later named in history.
    At the end of the first party, Woz completed the design sketches of the first generation of Apple computers (unnamed at the time) on paper. At the second meeting, he submitted the design drawings for exchange.
  • Steve Wozniak, apple computer

    From 1978 to 1979, the sales of the second-generation Apple computers showed a substantial growth, from 1,000 to 10,000 a month
  • Steve Wozniak's fly

    Woz had just obtained his pilot’s license six months ago. He planned to fly to San Diego, but an accident happened on the way. He said he might be in " Attempting to take off without proper wind speed”, the plane stalled, the wings lost the strength to climb, and the plane crashed. Woz was sent to the hospital without any serious problems. He was in a state of amnesia after waking up, and he did not gradually recover his memory until five weeks later.
  • Steve Wozniak back to school

    After regaining his memory, Woz decided not to return to Apple to work, and prioritized the completion of university studies.
  • Andrew E. Rubin joined apple

    Andrew E. Rubin joined apple
    Joined Apple
  • Tim Berners-Le successful by the internet

    Tim Berners-Le successful by the internet
    He successfully used the Internet to realize the first communication between the Hypertext Transfer Protocol client and server.
  • Bill Gates CEO

    Bill Gates CEO
    Gates resigned as CEO of Microsoft.
    He still serves as chairman and created a new position for himself "Chief Software Architect"
  • Bill Gates leaved Microsoft

    Bill Gates leaved Microsoft
    He leaved Microsoft company
  • Alan Turing was voted to be the greatest person in 20th

    Alan Turing was voted to be the greatest person in 20th