
  • Cellphones with a camera

    Cellphones with a camera
    This was the first step into cell phones having a screen.
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    Windows XP was what our home computer software was.
  • iPod Shuffle

    iPod Shuffle
    iPod Shuffles changed how we listened to music and the idea of "shuffling" songs.
  • Launch of Youtube

    Launch of Youtube
    Youtube changed how videos are streamed.
  • First desktop in my classroom

    First desktop in my classroom
    In 4th grade our class was the first to renovate and get a computer in between every 2 desks.
  • 4th Generation of iPod Touch

    4th Generation of iPod Touch
    The iPod now had a front and back camera and Facetime was created
  • Instagram came out

    Instagram came out
    Instagram coming out changed social life and technology drastically.
  • Siri becomes a feature

    Siri becomes a feature
    This to me was the starting point of AI.
  • My school got the our first Chromebook cart

    My school got the our first Chromebook cart
    Technology was now easily accessible in the classroom for every student.
  • WiFi 5

    WiFi 5
    WiFi was wireless dual connectivity and 3.5Gbps
  • Tesla launches partial autopilot vehicles

    Tesla launches partial autopilot vehicles
  • Received my own Chromebook from school

    Received my own Chromebook from school
    Technology can now be brought home and used for more advanced projects/work.
  • Bitcoin

    Although Bitcoin was invented in 2009, it started making massive waves in cryptocurrency around 2017.
  • Chat GPT gains popularity

    Chat GPT gains popularity
    I first learned about Chat GPT in 2023 in a technology course in undergraduate school.
  • Food service robots become popular

    Food service robots become popular
    I believe that robots will slowly be taking over food jobs. Whether that is just ordering from a screen or a machine bringing food to a table.