
  • Minicomputer

    Digital Equipment introduces the PDP-8, the world's first computer to use integrated circuit technology. Because of its relatively small size and its low $18,000 price tag, Digital sells several hundred units.
  • Microsoft

    Old high school friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen form a partnership known as Microsoft to write computer software. They sell their first software to Ed Roberts at MIT, which has produced the Altair 8800, the first microprocessor-based computer. Gates soon drops out of Harvard; his empire has begun.
  • Sony

    Camcorder invented by Sony
  • Web

    World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners-Lee
  • Ebay

    Ebay start
  • Radio

    Digital satellite radio
  • Flash Drive

  • DVR

    Came out
  • Youtube

    Youtube came out
  • Facebook

    Came out
  • Twitter

    came out
  • I phone

    1st iphone
  • Ipad

    1st ipad out
  • Windows Phone

    Windows Phone
    The internet got a first look at the Windows Phone 8 operating system, codenamed Apollo, when an internal Microsoft video leaked. In it, Windows Phone manager Joe Belfiore described support for dual-core CPUs, four screen resolutions, NFC and also hinted at Skype integration. When the OS was released at the end of October, all those features were indeed there.
  • Iphone 5

    Came out