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Technologies in grade school - Nora Lu

  • Slide projector

    Slide projector
    In Chinese, math, and English classes, we used a slide projector to present knowledge points. The teacher wrote the content on a piece of glass, which was then projected onto a screen (big white cloth). We stopped using this technique in high school.
  • 1st programming - Logo Turtle

    1st programming - Logo Turtle
    Logo is an educational programming language. I began learning it in the third grade while attending elementary school. At that time, the computers in our school were still i586. Using Logo, we could program a turtle to draw various shapes. This experience sparked my interest in programming, and I went on to learn another language, Pascal, after school.
  • Cassette Recorder and Personal Stereo

    Cassette Recorder and Personal Stereo
    Our English teacher used a cassette recorder to play English dialogues. We were also encouraged to use personal stereos to record ourselves speaking and compare our pronunciation. In the fifth grade, CD players became more common.
  • T V learning platform

    T V learning platform
    Since there were few foreign English teachers in Beijing 30 years ago, Chinese education authorities produced English learning series featuring foreign actors. These series made learning English more engaging. Listening to real-life conversations is much more enjoyable than reading English in books. Our teacher limited our screen time in class to about 10 minutes per week.
  • Miscrosoft Office Suites

    Miscrosoft Office Suites
    We started learning to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in the fourth grades. We even had assignments to create games using the PowerPoint app. Every student was excited to have computer classes back then. I didn't have a computer at home, so I was grateful that all public schools in Beijing offered computer lessons at that time.
  • 1st online learning experience

    1st online learning experience
    During the SARS pandemic in Beijing, all schools were closed, forcing us to stay home for four months. Despite the lockdown, our education continued. The class was divided into six groups, and the designated "chef student" in each group contacted their peers daily to check on their health. We had online classes and courses broadcast on television. Most students had access to computers at that time. However, online homework submission was not yet implemented. :)