• To create my blog I used www. Blogger.com. The blog I have made contains all of my coursework and I have also uploaded my film on to my blog. I have never used a blog before so I had some issues with the settings and layout as it was very different from what I was used to. For example to upload images on to my blog I had to save the image as a picture this was unusual to me as I initially thought I would be able to copy and paste my images. Following on from this I also found it difficult to c -
• When shooting my film I used a camcorder that was given to me by my teacher. However when using the camcorder I soon realised that I had some issues. The sound on the camcorder wasn’t very good and the zoom speed was also poor, this affected my film because you could hear shaky noises in the background. To improve the sound on my film I used editing to include a diegetic sound. -
• To edit my film I used the programme Serif. When I began editing my film I found it quite difficult because I didn’t know how to use Serif. I also found it difficult using transitions, effects and placing my titles in the right place at the right time. To improve my editing skills I spent some time on Serif playing around with the tools and discovering what each one does. Whilst editing my film I learnt how to: include sound in my film, create and use titles in appropriate places, use a filter -
• I exported my film as an mp4 file in the best quality which was 720p. The only issue I had whilst rendering my film was having to change the default setting myself to 720p because that was the quality I wanted my film to be exported in. Also to stop my film from having the post box effect I made sure it was exported as a wide screen.