Technological Advancements of the 90's

By robbiie
  • World Wide Web

    In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, a British engineer set out to change computer history. On December 20th of the same year the first website was published. as you everything we depend on these days consist of using a website in some fashion.
  • Linux Operating System

    Linux Operating System
    In 1991 Linus Torvalds, a second year college student, unintentionally developed the operating system. At first was not aware of what he accomplished. Today it is regarded as one of the largest operating syystems for the biggest companies in the world.
  • Text Messaging

    Text Messaging
    While computers were once huge machines consuming large areas of space, they've evolved into handheld devices. in 1992 a man by the name of Neil Papworth sent the very first text message. it was not popular at 1st but grew over the years. today texting is the number one form of communication.
  • Google Domain Registration

    Google Domain Registration
    Previously named BackRub, Google was officially named and registered on Sept 15, 1997. Sergey Brin and Larry Page decided Google was a better fit. I think the world would agree. Google is now the Largest and Most used search engine.
  • iMac Reinvents Apple

    iMac Reinvents Apple
    In 1998, Apple was facing severe financial hardships. upon releasing the the iconic line of colored iMacs business began to boom. I have an i a 2019 iMac that i use daily and enjoy it thoroughly.