Technological Advances in Communication

  • Period: Mar 20, 1439 to

    Advances in Communication

  • Mar 20, 1450


    Newspapers were first published just before the printing press, but soon used the new invention to make the production much more efficient. America's first printer, Benjamin Harris, began producing his newspaper in 1690. With the invention of the internet, newspapers are becoming less popular.
  • Mar 20, 1455

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in around 1455. His metal movable type allows the much increased production of book, including the Bible. This invention changed the world.
  • Photograph

    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce creates the first photographic image with his camera. The process of taking photographs took several minutes, but later advancements cut down on the time.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented a system of communicating with pulses of electricity. This "Morse Code" allowed for the telegraph. Using carefully timed pulses, nearly instant communication of short messages was a reality for the first time.
  • Boolean Algebra

    Boolean Algebra
    George Boole invented a system of reasoning using an either "yes" or "no" to calculate. It was not for another 90 years that this technique would be put to practical uses. These 1s and 0s control every action in electronic devices.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    The Pony Express allowed mail to travel across the entire United States. Although it was largely unsuccessful, it proved that intercontinental mail travel was possible. Later methods of delivery proved more effective.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Grahm Bell invented the telephone in 1876 and patented his design. The original telephone had seperate parts for listening and speaking, but phones of today have become sleek and much more advanced. The basic principle of his inventions remains a daily part of the lives of billions around the world.
  • Magnetic Recordings

    Magnetic Recordings
    Valdemar Poulsen invents a system of recording data on magnetized steel tape. This invention was the precursor to casette tapes and video tapes. The same idea has been applied to disk drives.
  • Radio

    Though radio was invented earlier, it was in 1902 that Marconi transmitted a radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean. Instant communication between far away points were now possible. Popularity grew and in the 1920s and 30s, millions of Americans tuned into the nightly broadcast. Radio remains very popular today.
  • Movies

    Thomas Edison created the first motion picture to be played with audio. These "talkies" could deliver a more whole story than the movies before 1910. During the world wars and great depression, movies showed audiences what they could only imagine.
  • Television

    The first cathode ray tube was invented Vladimir Kosma Zworykin in 1923. The first television camera was invented at the same time. The same style of televisions survived until the mid 2000s, when flat-screen T.V.s became affordable.
  • Computer

    The first computers to be sold commercially were in 1951. Computers then were exponentially larger than those with equal power of today. Computers were used mainly for calculations but have evolved over the years to perform actions of all sorts.
  • Satellite

    The Russians launched Sputnik I in 1957. It was equipped with an onboard radio to send and receive signals. Sputnik proved that the idea was feasible and thousands of satellites have been launched into orbit for communication. Today satellites are used for phones, television, and science.
  • Photocopying

    Xerox made the original photo-copier in 1958. Things no longer had to be retyped to create more copies. Xerox has become synonymous with creating a photo-copy.
  • Fax Machine

    Fax Machine
    The fax machine allowed information to be instantly sent to locations around the country. Much like a telephone, it was connected to a wire that sent information through lines all the way to the destination.
  • Internet

    ARPANET was a primitive form of the internet. It include just 15 sites at its start but served as a blueprint for it future forms.
    Emails were sent for the first time. Although physically the two computers were seperated by mere feet, it proved that electronic messaging was a possibility.
  • Cell Phones

    Cell Phones
    The first mobile phone was created by the Motoraola company in 1973. The phone was much larger than modern phones, weighing around two pounds, and had only the capability to make calls. Although the idea was proven feasible, it wasn't until 1983 that the first cellphone network was operational.
  • Text Messaging

    Text Messaging
    The first text message was sent as a series of numbers on a pager. After years of advancement, text messaging can now handle pictures, audio, and video files in addition to text. Nearly every cell phone today has texting capabilities.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Though Facebook and Twitter are the big social networking sites of today, the first site to gain huge popularity was Geocities. Today hundreds of people of peole use social networking sites to connect with friends and relatives.
  • Satellite Phones

    Satellite Phones
    Satellite phones were created in 1998 as a way to make calls in areas without cell service. With a satellite phone, two people in very remote locations can communicate. They have been used several times in disasters to contact others for help.