Technical Developments in Editing

  • Cinematographe

    In 1985 the Lumiere Brothers invented Cinematographe. Cinematographe was a three in one device that recored, captured and projrcted motion picture.
  • Splicing

    No one really knows when splicing was actually invented but in 1903, the first film that had splicing in was The Great Train Robbery. They cut between the film tape and glued it back together to do this
  • Moviola

    In 1924. Iwan Serruier invented the Moviola which is a device that allows a film editor to view a film while editing. The Moviola allowed editors to study individual shots in their cutting rooms, to determine more precisely where the best cut-point might be.
  • Flatbed editor

    Flatbed editor
    A flatbed editor is a type of machine used to edit film for a motion picture. Picture and sound rolls load onto separate motorized disks, called plates. Each set of plates moves forward or backward separately, or locked together to maintain synchronization between picture and sound
  • Reel to reel

    Reel to reel
    Reel-to-reel tape was also used in early tape drives for data storage on mainframe computers, video tape recorder machines, which have been in use from the early 1940s, up until now.
  • Tape to tape

    Tape to tape
    They have the same audio signal across more tape, reel-to-reel systems offer much higher fidelity. Reel-to-reel systems remained popular in the 1980s.
  • Avaliablity of non linear editing

    Avaliablity of non linear editing
    In the early days of video production, linear (tape-to-tape) editing was the only way to edit video tapes. But then, in the 1990s, non-linear editing computers became available and opened a whole new world of editing power and flexibility.