Period: to
tech timeline
first computer
Charles Babbage, (born December 26, 1791, London, England—died October 18, 1871, London), English mathematician and inventor who is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer to learn more go here https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Babbage -
the Telegraph
Samuel F. B. Morse made the telegraph the beginnings of the phone
go here to learn more -> https://www.loc.gov/collections/samuel-morse-papers/articles-and-essays/invention-of-the-telegraph/ -
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz demonstrated that rapid variations of electric current could be projected into space in the form of radio waves to learn more click here https://www.thoughtco.com/invention-of-radio-1992382 -
first phone
The first Phone was invented by inventors Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray.to learn more read here https://www.nationalitpa.com/history-of-telephone -
first car
in 1886 the first car was created Carl Benz -
in 1888, by Willard Le Grand Bundy the first clock was invented -
July 15, 1983 is when the first nintendo console was made
https://www.businessinsider.com/nintendo-consoles-in-history-photos-switch-2017-1 -
In early-mid 1990s the first vr headsets were produced
https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/history.html -
in 1992 the first smartphone was created by ibm -
first play station
December 1994 is when the first play station was made
https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/the-evolution-of-playstation-consoles/2900-899/#1 -
in 1994 the first smartwatch was made by microsoft -
first xbox
the first xbox was created November 15, 2001
https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/15/22783104/20-years-of-xbox-visual-history-360-one-x-s-series-the-duke -
wii u
In 2012 the first wii u was made
https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/11/the_wii_u_first_launched_eight_years_ago_today -
Xbox series x
In 2020 the newest xbox was made by Microsoft