Tech Timeline

  • The iPod

    The iPod
    Inventor: Tony Fadell, Apple
    Invention: Apple's first MP3 Player
    Significance: The iPod allowed people to stream up to 1000 songs wherever and whenever with a device that fits in their pockets.
  • MacOS X

    MacOS X
    Inventor: Steve Jobs
    Invention: Apple's OS
    Significance: This was a total revamp for the Mac's OS and is still the foundation for the current OS that we have today.
  • The Wii

    The Wii
    Inventors: Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda
    Invention: Ninteno's Gaming Console
    Significance: The Wii made it easy for anyone to play video games. It supported the idea of family fun through video games with both easy and challenging games that supported motion sensors.
  • The Kindle

    The Kindle
    Inventors: Gregg Zehr and Jeff Bezos
    Invention: Amazon's E-book
    Significance: The Kindle allows readers to carry hundreds of books with them all at once. It was easy and convenient.
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    Inventor: Steve Jobs and Friends
    Invention: Apple's first smartphone
    Significance: It essentially started a smartphone empire and revolution.