Tech timeline

  • Computer class

    In 1999, My school created a computer lab. I was in 6th grade, and we had to go to the computer lab for typing class. That was the extent of the technology integration that year
  • Period: to

    Tech timeline

  • Online encyclopedia

    In 2001, My school started to have us complete research projects. I had access to basic internet and online encyclopedias. I used the resources to complete the project though I cannot remember what the project itself was
  • Online library

    When I was in high school, my school required students to complete a research paper. I was tasked with creating a 5 page paper on a topic of my choosing related to a piece of literature. We had to use online resources and library resources to support our claim
  • Presenting

    Towards the end of my high school career, teachers began to require us to present in groups and to use multimedia like PowerPoint to create interesting presentations. This was my first real experience with using PowerPoint
  • College papers

    When I began college, this was my first real experience with writing and turning all of my papers in online. This was a new experience for me as everything I had done before was either by hand or on a computer. Previously, it was at the discretion of the teacher and now it was required to be completed electronically
  • Senior thesis

    During my final year of college, I had to complete a senior thesis for my literature degree. I needed to write a 50 page paper on a topic of my choosing. I needed a certain amount of peer reviewed papers as sources. While I was familiar with using them at this point, it was a monumental task to find as many as I needed to complete my paper. It was a major foray into utilizing my research skills and finding what was relevant for my topic.