Grade School Tech Timeline

  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    This year was also the first time I had ever seen overhead projectors used. They allowed for the teacher to provide a real-time model for a project, such as how to write a certain letter or draw a particular shape.
  • Watching Movies in Extended Day Care

    Watching Movies in Extended Day Care
    In addition to watching movies and television at home, I began to watch movies in Extended Day Care after school with my peers.
  • Period: to

    Technology Enrichment Program

    During this time, my school had 4th and 5th graders participate in enrichment programs, one of which taught typing and computer usage skills.
  • Period: to

    1-to-1 Chromebook program

    During these years, our school had adopted a 1-to-1 chromebook program. We used our chromebooks for diagnostic testing and as tools for research. Bans and blocks on certain websites were enforced, and we were taught on how to be safe when online.
  • Introduction of Class Projectors

    Introduction of Class Projectors
    During this time, my school shifted away from DVDs on TVs and toward streaming videos from laptops. Projectors were installed in every classroom and were connected to teachers' laptops to display agendas, go over worksheets, and give presentations.