VHS tapes
All of my favorite movies were on VHS tapes when I was a kid. My mom fashioned a box TV that had a VHS player into the back of her van so we could watch our VHS tapes on long car rides to Fresno. -
Family Laptop
I first learned how to use my family laptop when I was 5 years old. My younger sister (2 yo) actually had to teach me how to shut it down and restart it! -
Books on Tape
I got my first audio book on cassette, Oliver Twist. -
Mixed Tape CD
My friend gave me my first mixed CD with my favorite songs he had downloaded onto the CD from iTunes. -
My family got our first gaming console, the Nintendo Wii. -
First Cell Phone
I got my first flip phone in 4th grade. I had this phone until it died in 7th grade, then I had a touch screen flip phone until I started high school. -
I got Skype so I could talk to my best friend who moved across the country. -
iPod Nano
My first iPod was given to me, and it held all of my Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana songs on it, as well as the Beatles and several other artists I had bought songs from on iTunes. -
Garageband & iMovie
I learned to use GarageBand and iMovie for the first time in an after school class at my elementary school. -
iPod Touch
I saved up and bought my first iPod Touch (3rd Gen.) when I was in 5th grade. It didn't have a camera, so I used to have to take a picture with my flip phone, text it to a friend, and then they would email it to me so I could download it on my iPod touch. -
I got my first social media account on Instagram. -
Edmodo was the first LMS I used. My 6th grade Social Studies teacher was the first and only one to have us use this consistently at school. -
First Smart Phone
I got my first smart phone, the Samsung S3, right before I started my freshman year of high school. -
First Laptop
I got my first laptop so I could take online Spanish classes in high school. -
Recording Audio Interface
My dad bought me my first recording audio interface so I could record my music at home. It came with recording software that I could download to my computer. I was able to connect my vocal microphone and my guitar into the audio face and record me singing and playing guitar onto my computer. -
iPhone, MacBook, Apple Watch
I bought my first iPhone, MacBook, and Apple Watch around the same time in college. They have all allowed me to work on recording my music and have helped me in my classroom.