Tech Timeline (2010's)

By rhminer
  • Venmo

    Venmo was first created in 2010 by Andrew Kortina and Iqram Magdon-Ismail. It was intended for people to be able to split bills easily without the hassle of dealing with cash.
  • Consumer LED Light Bulb

    Consumer LED Light Bulb
    GE developed an affordable LED light bulb in order to have more efficient light bulbs.
  • Period: to

    Tech Timeline

  • Apple iPad

    Apple iPad
    When Apple released the iPad in 2012, they declared that it is a "magical and revolutionary" device capable of doing most things a computer can.
  • Amazon Alexa

    Amazon Alexa
    Amazon developed the Alexa Voice Service in order to allow the device to perform certain tasks.
  • Apple Airpods

    Apple Airpods
    The Apple Airpods were created in 2016 in order to eliminate the hassle of tangled up headphone cords