America's Early Government

  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

    Adoption of the Declaration of Independence
    This document, as approved by the Continental Congress, declared the 13 British colonies independent from Great Britain. Congress voted unanimously.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    Signing of the Treaty of Paris
    Signed between U.S. and British representatives. Ended the American Revolution, recognizing America as its own country.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    A violent uprising in Massachusetts, caused by a debt crisis from the American Revolution. Showed the need for a stronger central government instead of a "firm league of friendship."
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    Established a bicameral legislature, with the Senate and House of Representatives. Created in response to the issues presented by Shay's Rebellion.
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    Federalist candidate John Adams won, while his runner-up, anti-Federalist Thomas Jefferson, became the Vice President. The first and only election to elect a President and Vice President of opposing parties.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    President Thomas Jefferson purchased a large territory from France for $15 million. The constitutionality of this purchase was questioned, but the value of the purchase and public support encouraged him to do so. This contributed to the idea of "implied powers."
  • Beginning of The War of 1812

    Beginning of The War of 1812
    Fought between the United States and Great Britain over trade and territory disagreements. Ended by the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Missouri Compromise Established

    Missouri Compromise Established
    Created in response to westward expansion, which created fear that slavery would be abolished as more free states joined. Determined that states would join in pairs, with one free state and one slave state.
  • Monroe Doctrine Proposed

    Monroe Doctrine Proposed
    Instituted by James Monroe, and aimed to stop European Colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. Stated that the U.S. would not interfere with the EU's affairs, but recognized the existing European colonies. If the EU interferes, it would be seen as a threat.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected as President

    Andrew Jackson Elected as President
    During his presidency, Jackson founded a party by the name of the "American Democracy." His main goal was to recreate national political coalition. Known as "King Andrew," he had an authoritarian style of government.