Tech Progression

By bre0421
  • IPod

    German researcher
    The first MP3 player came out in 1976 with enough storage space for about 6 songs because flash memory cost about several hundred dollars per megabyte but Apple came out with the first IPod in 2001 and this was the breaking point of Apple, it is what made Apple iTunes.
  • HD Radio

    Dave Wilson of the Consumer Electronics Association
    In 2006 HD Radios had finally gone digital. They were introduced back in 2001 but now they were on people's nightstands. Retailers had sold over 28,000 Radio receivers for dashboards. The original reason they went digital was for better sound, but they just kept going from there.
  • Flat Back TV

    NEC Corp.’s
    Engineers have known for decades that getting the cathode ray tube out of the picture would allow TV sets to have bigger screens. But they weren't able to use LCD because it made the image way too blurry. but by 2007 LCD TV's had came in.