Generation z journey

Tech Progression

  • Ericsson T36.

     Ericsson T36.
    The Ericsson T36 was first announced in 2000. As it was the first device to have built in Bluetooth wireless technology. Making it capable to connect to other devices without cables.
  • The IPod.

    The IPod.
    The device created in 2001 by Apple in order revolutionize the music industry. It was a portable music player that would carry at least 1,000 songs. Simply just scrolling down the list of songs and launch the music.
  • BigDog

    In 2005 BigDog is a robotic dog that was created and presented by Boston Dynamics. Which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA. So it can act as a carrier for soldiers when in the battlefield.
  • The iPhone.

    The iPhone.
    The first iPhone invented was in 2007. As it was revealed by Steve Jobs in a convention off in San Francisco. A device that is touchscreen, camera, and web-browse the internet.
  • The Atlas disaster-response robot.

    The Atlas disaster-response robot.
    It made it's debut in 2011, as it was developed from DARPA by Boston Dynamics.Atlas was made to advance the hardware, software sensors and control interfaces for robotics. So one day robots in the future may aid human beings in disaster.