Tech In My Time

  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    Lots of leap frog/or was it called frogger?
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    Listen to cassette tapes wherever you go! (My first cassette tape was Tears for Fears. I bought it from my older brother for $1)
  • Gameboy

  • CD's

    My first CD's and CD players (first CD was Celine Dion)
  • Internet

    My family FINALLY got internet!
  • Floppy Disks

    Floppy Disks
    I used these through high school and college to save papers and assignments. (I still have them- but have no way to open them)
  • Email

    My first email address
  • I discovered Wikipedia

    I discovered Wikipedia
    'Source of All Knowledge'
  • My Cell Phone

    My Cell Phone
    Got a cell phone of my very own! I was the last of my friends to get one.
  • My Laptop

    My Laptop
    Got a laptop of my own- it was so heavy!
  • WiFi

    Had to set up my first router on my own (such a nightmare! I was on the phone to a tech in India for 2 hours!!)
  • Netflix

    Started a Netflix subscription and never looked back
  • My iPhone

    My iPhone
    Finally an iPhone of my very own!!