Tech in grade school as a student

  • Period: to

    Grade School

  • invention of iPhone

    invention of iPhone
    In early 2007, the iPhone was invented, while it would be some time before students started bringing the iPhone to school, this marked a major shift in how people used and treated their phones, shifting from calls and text only to now machines that could connect people in a variety of ways as well as play music, take photos, and a variety of other uses.
  • Computer lab founded

    Computer lab founded
    My school completed the construction of the computer lab when I was in 2nd grade, and while I would not be able to use it until 4th grade, it then played a large part in how I did my work and interacted with technology.
  • Smart Boards in the classroom

    Smart Boards in the classroom
    In 5th grade, we were introduced to the SmartBoard, which was a screen which teachers could "write" on using special "pens". They could pull up their slides or whatever they wanted to project, and then edit using the pens directly on the board, or have students go up to the board
  • Macbook carts introduced to classrooms

    Macbook carts introduced to classrooms
    Macbook carts were periodically introduced to the classroom to be used for writing and research projects.
  • Powerpoint presentations began

    Powerpoint presentations began
    We began to do presentations and PowerPoints online during the start of 7th grade. This marked a major shift from the posters and physical projects that I had grown up with.
  • I received my first phone

    I received my first phone
    I received my first phone around Halloween in 7th grade. It was nice to be able to communicate with friends but also opened a whole can of worms when it came to social media and other uses of the phone.