Tech in Grade School Timeline

  • Early Elementary - Televisions

    Early Elementary - Televisions
    Throughout early elementary, everything was physical paper. Occasionally, I remember watching a video or two on a TV that would roll into the classroom.
  • Mid-Late Elementary School

    Mid-Late Elementary School
    Calculators and overhead projectors are utilized often.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    When middle school hit, the use of technology in school significantly increased. Slideshows were more common in class, online grading and planners started, and I began to be familiar with online video and photo editing softwares to help with the middle school yearbook.
  • Early High School

    Early High School
    Technology became prevalent as many students started to get smart phones. While personal laptops were not allowed at school, a lot of activities shifted to being online. Slides were used daily, online review games were accessible at home, quizlet and kahoot were used as study tools, and typing assignments became common
  • Late High School

    Late High School
    Technology felt very integrated into my daily schooling. Smartphones were utilized in class, many assignments were online, and almost every teacher used technology in some way to assist their teaching.