Tech development

  • Charles Babbage - analytical engine

    Charles Babbage - analytical engine
    Steam Calculator was created by Charles Babbage.
  • Hollerith Punched Cards

    Hollerith Punched Cards
    One of the first versions of computation, the punchcard was used for the US census in 1890.
  • Hewlett Packard

    Hewlett Packard
    In 1939 HP was developed by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard.
  • Bombe Machine

    Bombe Machine
    Alan Turing developed the first Bombe machine and revolutionized the Computing age in March 1940
  • COBOL Programming Language

    COBOL Programming Language
    Short for Common Business Oriented Language, COBOL was created in 1959 as the first general business computer language.
  • Douglas Engelbart - GUI

    Douglas Engelbart - GUI
    Douglas Engelbart creates the first ever GUI in the 1960s
  • First Apple computer

    First Apple computer
    The first Apple computer was made.
  • Windows OS

    Windows OS
    Windows OS was developed and released as a Graphic Operating system in 1985.
  • WWW

    In 1989, Tim Berners Lee created what is known as the WWW (world-wide web). The Web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.
  • Vic Hayes - Wi-Fi

    Vic Hayes - Wi-Fi
    Vic Hayes had developed wireless networking in the year 1997.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    First iPhone was made by Steve Jobs
  • The Chromebook

    The Chromebook
    Google enters the techmarket by creating the first ever Chromebook and releasing it into stores.
  • First AppleWatch

    First AppleWatch
    First applewatch was developed by Apple.