Pentium PRocessor
the pentium processor is created -
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) developed the system, which originally used 24 satellites. It became fully operational in 1995. Roger L. Easton, Ivan A. Getting and Bradford Parkinson are credited with inventing it. -
WIndows is created
WINDOWS 95: 32-bit pre-emptive multitasking made possible everything that has come along for the desktop since ' including the graphical Internet and Mac OS X. -
Flash is created
FLASH: Scripting your Web page like a movie, or anything else, with almost zero-client footprint. -
BROADBAND: Cable and Digital Subscriber Lines start to make an appearance in homes, and telecommuting becomes a real option. -
Google was created
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. -
MICROSOFT.NET FRAMEWORK: A virtual machine independent of programming language. The future of Microsoft development.
A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services. The .NET Framework contains three major parts: the Common Language Runtime. the Framework Class Library. ASP.NET. -
service oriented
SERVICEORIENTED ARCHITECTURE: SOA and Web services pave the way for a new generation of online government services. -
social networks go live
FACEBOOK API/GOOGLE OPEN SOCIAL API: Social network programming goes mainstream. -
iphone release date
iphone release date apple's first smartphone