Tech advancements of the 90s

  • World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee

    World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee
    The invention of the World Wide Web opened up a whole new world of possibilities. From information access to E-commerce, and intercultural communication to entertainment at your fingertips. The World Wide Web connected the world, for better or for worse.
  • Linux OS - Linus Torvalds

    Linux OS - Linus Torvalds
    Linux was introduced as an open-source operating system, allowing anyone worldwide to view and modify the code. Linux was the foundation for other technologies including Android.
  • DVD's - Misc collaborators

    DVDs improved upon the data storage capabilities of floppy disks and CDs immensely. They quickly became the data and video storage standard and remained so for many years.
  • Wi-Fi - Vic Hayes (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

    Wi-Fi - Vic Hayes (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
    Wi-Fi changed the way that people connect to the internet. Wires and strategic computer placement were no longer an issue. Connecting to the internet became more convenient, and practical.
  • Google - Larry Page and Sergey Brin

    Google - Larry Page and Sergey Brin
    Google introduced an algorithm to set the standard for search engines going forward. Relevance and speed made google the most practical and convenient search engine ever.