TCP Vs. Macbeth

  • Prolouge

    Jude is seven years old. A strange man comes to their home, kills her mother and father and takes Jude, Taryn and Vivi to a new place known as Faerie land. This is a life changing event, but because it is only the prologue and she is seven years old, we cant be sure how it will affect her character yet.
  • Macbeth's meeting with the witches

    Macbeth is a solider for King Duncan when he meets the 3 witches and they tell him he will become king. This sets off a new level of ambition for him, since he has always been an ambition man to get where he is now, and I'm sure it will lead to some big decisions.
  • Lady Macbeth's Manipulation

    After reading her husbands letter, she calls out to the evil spirits to help her make this prophesy come true, and begins to plot King Duncan's murder, in order for her husband to become king. She fears Macbeth wont be able to do it, and manipulates him,and plays with his pride in order to get him to do what she wants. This shows her ambitions and how far she will go to make them possible
  • Chapter 1

    No new events, just a glimpse at how drastically Jude, Taryn and Vivi's lives have changed. "In Faerie, there are no fish sticks, no ketchup, and no television."
  • Chapter 2

    It's now been ten years since Jude, Taryn and Vivi were taken. Jude has decided she wants to win or earn her place, not have it handed to her. This is the first glimpse of her we see wanting to belong.This will affect her character because this aspiration for a human is dangerous, especially in Faerie. "I want to win my place". This is also where her character deepens and we see she has come to love Madoc after all.
  • King Duncans Murder

    Macbeth kills king Duncan and seems to lose his grip on reality. Lady Macbeth has to get him to snap out of it, and from this I think we can tell he isn't cut of for these types of things, and I think his mental state will go down hill from here.
  • Chapter 3

    While at a party, Valerian grabs one of Jude's ponytails and pulls her to the ground, while saying rude and derogatory things to her. This is the first time we see Jude's hatred, and her anger. This shows a new side to her, one that I believe will drive her to make a decision/ decisions she will regret.
  • Banquo's murder, and his sons attempted assassination

    Macbeth has become increasingly paranoid, and also extremely cruel. He doesn't want to lose his power, but the witches told him one day Banquo's sons would be kings, so he decides to have Banquo and his son murders, but only Banquo is killed, and his son Fleance escapes. This leads to Macbeth becoming unhinged, and he see's Banquo's ghost, and his metal state begins to decline rapidly. I think this will lead to his demise, he is rapidly becoming mentally unstable and physically sick.
  • Chapter 4

    Cardan kicks dirt onto Jude and Taryn's food, and Jude loses her temper. This is a side to Jude we are becoming more familiar with, she seems impulsive and makes rash decisions. She tells Cardan to "make her" eat the food, and defies him in front of people. She continues to mouth off to him, ignoring her sisters pleas to stop. Here, we see that Jude is smart, but also defiant, brave and very naive.
  • Macduffs Family is slaughtered

    Macbeth is told by the witches that he cannot trust Macduff, so he decided to have him killed, but Macduff has fled to England to seek Malcolm's help in taking Macbeth off the throne and had left his wife and children behind, to Macbeth has them murmured instead. Macbeth has become truly evil, and there is no turning back for him now. I think his fall is coming quickly.
  • Chapter 5

    Jude finally asks Madoc about becoming a knight and he basically tells her its not going to happen. We can tell this crushes her. She saw this as her only way to gain power and protection, and with that gone she feels like she has nothing to lose. This sends her off the edge and she becomes more defiant, and grows reckless with her own safety. I feel like these are huge building points to something that's going to happen really soon, that drastically changes her life.
  • Lady Macbeth's Demise

    Lady Macbeth's health has also taken a major toll, and she has begun to experience nightmares and has started sleepwalking from her guilt. Her mental and physical state and declined even more rapidly than Macbeth and she cant handle what she is responsible for. I think she will get her and Macbeth caught, if her illnesses don't kill her.
  • Chapter 6

    In this chapter we learn more about Jude personally It gives us a little more information and an explanation as to why she is the way she is. One of Madoc's guards bit off the tip of her finger, but she never told anyone. She was once compelled to drink, and she couldn't stop, which terrified her. And her younger brother Oak "glamoured" her to slap herself, and again, she couldn't stop. We learn she always feels scared and this may be why she is after power. Not for power itself but for safety.
  • Lady Macbeths Death

    The guilt becomes too much, and Lady Macbeth kills herself, in a futile attempt to escape the prison she has made for herself inside her own mind, When Macbeth fins out he is distraught, and you can tell his demise is near. I think this is the final piece for him to lose all his mental facilities.
  • Chapter 7

    Cardan and his group of bullies hurt Jude and Taryn for the first time. This leads to Taryn turning her back on Jude, and Jude completely loses it in this chapter. She has felt she had nothing to live for, but that now changes to having nothing to lose. She is angry, and that anger is turning to rage. She is becoming dangerous, to herself and others.
  • Macbeth's Fall

    Macduff avenges his family is this final scene, when he and Macbeth battle, and he ends up killing Macbeth. He goes on to cut off his head, and show it to others as a trophy. This is the end of the cruel tyrant, Macbeth
  • Chapter 8

    This chapter is slightly different. Jude, Taryn and Vivi go to the human world. Vivi fits right in, and Taryn loves it, but Jude feels like a stranger. She doesn't like the human world anymore, and she definitely doesn't fit in. A boy hits on her and she ends up punching him in the face.This makes her feel worse because she realizes she doesn't really belong anywhere. This will proabably make her less stable. Maybe leading to more rash decisions.
  • Chapter 9

    Cardan says something to Taryn, but we don't know what it is. We begin to see a riff between Jude and Taryn in this chapter, when Taryn refuses to tell Jude what was said, and then tells Jude she only makes matters worse. I thing this will increase Jude's anger, and make her more reckless, especially with Cardan. She is standing up to Cardan more and not taking others advice. She fights as hard as she can in the battle, but no one notices her, I think this will also affect her greatly.
  • Chapter 10

    Prince Dain asks Jude to become his spy, because she has the ability to lie, which other people in Faerie cannot do, and she accepts the offer. I think this will go one of two ways, either making her happy and she excels at it, not likely, or it makes her hunger for power and safety grow even more and makes her become more reckless, and maybe even cruel.
  • Chapter 11

    Valerian forces her to Jude to eat faerie fruit, which makes her embarrass herself in front of everyone and terrifies her. She has no control over herself and this pushes her over the edge. Her hatred for Cardan, Valerian and Nicasia grows even more, and her anger turns to rage. This is a huge turning point in the story, and I think it will lead to her doing something terrible. Jude also receives her first assignment from the court of shadows.
  • Chapter 12

    Jude goes on her first spy mission, and see's Cardan being beaten by Balekin. She realizes why he is the way he is, and that he has been beaten his whole life. She is surprised when Cardan refuses to kill another human, and even feels pity for him, but this all makes her more afraid. She is terrified of what Cardan may become after seeing they are not that different, it also makes her fear of what she may become.
  • Chapter 13

    Prince Dain puts a "geas" on Jude so that she can never tell anyone she is a spy or what she knows, and she hates it. It terrifies her but there is nothing she can do about it. I think this will make her fear Prince Dain. She also finds out people are plotting to poison and kill Prince Dain.
  • Chapter 14

    Locke almost kisses Jude, and she is beginning to develop a crush on him. It's the first time she has had anyone pay attention to her, or even be kind to her. I wonder what this will lead to, and maybe it will make her realize she does have something to lose, and help her to be safer around Cardan.
  • Chapter 15

    Jude is starting to like Locke even more, and is beginning to daydream about him. She even tries to dress nice for him, and is in a good mood, but then she lashes out at Oriana, her "Mom" and admits she is coming "unraveled". I wonder if everything is about to get really bad. I had hope it would get better, but I think this is going to be the part where everything starts to get worse.
  • Chapter 16

    Jude has begun to force herself to eat Faerie fruit and take poison, in a futile attempt to make herself stronger. She is becoming self destructive. Then, Valerian tries to make her commit suicide, and she ends up stabbing him. She doesn't kill him, which shows what part of Jude is left, but it seems to be fading quickly.
  • Chapter 17

    Jude steals a servant girl named Sophie from Balekin, and ties to save her by returning her to the mortal world. On the way there, the girl lets go of the horse and falls into the ocean, and kills herself. I think this will really hurt Jude, because she let herself be human, and let her guard down for one moment, and she cost someone their life.
  • Chapter 18

    Valerian attacks Jude again, and this time she kills him.I'm not sure how this will affect her, she has never killed anyone before and I dint think she had it in her. The chapter ends with her says "I am not okay" over and over again, and I think she is worse than not okay. This is going to be bad.
  • Chapter 19

    Jude murders another person, on the same night, and whats scary is it doesn't seem to faze her. She says she will go as far as there is to go, she will go way to far, and I think there is really no turning back for her. She is a murderer. I think this is going to make her go completely over the edge, there is no turning back.
  • Chapter 20

    Prince Dain is murdered my Balekin at the revel, and it was all planned by Madoc. Jude is terrified, and all her dreams and hope have disappeared. The revel is going to continue on for 3 more days, but Jude doesn't think she can do that. I think Jude is going to break. I don't think she can handle this