Tc 8th history

By chloec
  • 100


    God created the univers
    4500 BC
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    tower of bable

    tower of bable
    God scatered people a round the world and and created different languages.
    2200 BC
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    Migration of native Amaricans across bringea

    Migration of native Amaricans across bringea
    Native amaricans entered North Amarica across bringea to seek feed.shelter . and clothing
    1800 BC
  • Period: 100 to

    us history time line

  • Sep 17, 1000

    leif erikkson lands in North Amaricaa

    leif erikkson lands in North Amaricaa
    viking explorer namrd leif erikkson landen in Vinland
  • 13 collonies founded

    13 collonies founded
    13 colliones were founded from 1602 ( virginia) to 1732 (georgia) the Colloines onsisted of massachustets, New hamshier , New york , conn., georgia , Mary land , Rohad Island , south carolina, North carolina, new jersy , virginia , pennsylvaina , Delaware.
  • Jamestwon

    a settlement that went down then was saved by wiliam who was married to pocahuntes and saved jamestown
  • Mayflower lands in plymouth

    Mayflower lands in plymouth
    lands in plymouth , pilgrams in the ship , thanks giving was celebrated to thank the indians for there help the first year
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    men dressed as indians dump british tea in to the river
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    A rotio brok out and 5 colinetst were killed by british troops
  • battle of concord and lexthington

    battle of concord and lexthington
    amaricans fight broish troops , shot herd round the world
  • Declaration of indpendenace

    Declaration of indpendenace
    a declaration of are independeance stating that we the people have rights
  • Battle of SARATOGA

    Battle of SARATOGA
    The british and indians pushed the amaricans trops to the hudson riverin New york
  • Vally forge

    Vally forge
    The fort where Georg Washington settled his winter camp. they had a hard time there
  • Articals of confederation

    Articals of confederation
    The first atempt of setting up a goverment
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The teaty that ended the war bettwen britain and the colliones
  • Shays rebellion

    Shays rebellion
    He wanted the taxes to be less for the farmers so he started a rebelion
  • Constitushion Singed

    Constitushion Singed
    they singed the
  • Georg washington first president

    Georg washington first president
    one of the foundung fathers, contionital army, leader of the cold war.first president was federalist
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Rather than lose Louisiana, it made sense to sell it to the United States.t didn’t take long for Monroe to agree. On April 30, 1803, he signed a treaty giving Louisiana to the United States in exchange for $15 million.
  • Lewis and clark expedition

    Lewis and clark expedition
    May 4,1804 to September 1806
    They wre looking for the northwest passage. They got help from indians to find the way.
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    Treaty of Ghent
    Star spangial banner was created
    lastd 3 yrs.
    majior battles were tipp,deport,erie,New orlands, Fort mcHnry
    U.S. vs Britain
  • star spangled banner

    star spangled banner
    Apoem, set to a well-known British drinking song, To Anacreon in Heaven.
    This gave us hope in hard times
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    an agreement made by Congress in 1820 under which Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    the idea that the common people should control the government.
    President Jackson was electd in November of 1828.
  • Trail of tears

    Trail of tears
    the removal of Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Indian Territory in 1838 and 1839. This was the journey of five tribs.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil war started Arpril 12,1861 and ended on April 9,1865. A civil war is a war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country.
  • bill of rights passed

    bill of rights passed
    the rights of the us citizens got passed to be the law
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    Jefferso vs Adams
    The campaign, however, centered more on insults than on issues.
    This was the year of a tie .