the day I was born
I was born on April 30, 1999 at the Marshall hospital at 6:12 pm
i weighed 5lbs. 12 oz.
this day is unique because my dad caught me when i was born not the doctor because he didnt get there in time -
A day after my birth
well this is a day after i was born becuase i had nothin else to put! -
i was baptized on Sep. 26th 1999 in the st. mary's catholic church -
On this day i had my first surgery of getting tubes in my ears both left and right -
Big Sister
http://www.avera.org/marshall/On this day i became a big sister to my little brother than to whom i can not live without -
first day of kindergarton
http://www.tracy.k12.mn.us/well on this day i started the ongoing journey of school!! -
dance recital
this was the day of my first and last dance recital i was in tumbling -
Family Trip
http://www.usparklodging.com/yellowstone/This was the take off trip for our first family vacation with all my cousins and aunts and uncles..we went to Yellowstone national park -
Second Family trip
http://www.fairmont.com/banff-springs/special-offers/hotel-offers/promotions/everyones-an-original-summer-offer/?cmpid=google_bsh_search-branded_branded-revsh&s_kwcid=TC|1025556|banff%20fairmont||S|b|25314170100&gclid=COO20Pu8p7cCFUJlMgodwGwAVwOn this family trip we went to Glacier National Park and then up into Canada again this was a WHOLE family trip! -
On this exact day my parents sat us kids down and said they were getting divorced this moment is significant because our family has nor ever will be the same from this -
Move into My dad's new house
http://maps.google.com/maps?safe=active&hl=en&q=2089+135th+avenue+garvin+mn+56132&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46751780,d.aWM&biw=1280&bih=929&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wlSomewhere around this day we moved into my fathers house which we live in now its an old farm house right off of Lake Sarah. Its really old but it works! -
6th grade graduation
i "gaduated" elementary school with the class of 2017 -
Brad goes to state
http://theguillotine.com/wp/2012/02/the-guillotine-high-school-rankings-february-24-2012/On this day my older brother brad made it to state wrestling it was a moment we'd all been waiting for ever since brad hit the mat as a munchkin! i had never in my life since that day cried tears of joy im so proud of him! :)) -
Snobl reunion
this is our 3rd consecutive snobl reunion where my crazy but loving family gets together and memories are made it starts on the 25th and goes to the 28th its a crazy weekend with the family that is always unforgettable and filled with so much love,memories, and laughing til we pee ourselves! :) -
My year so far
Well its the year 2013 and wow has life flew right on by i couldnt ask for anything else though and im excited for the life ahead ive got a great family great firends and great supporters on the side just to top it off! i can't wait to make this year memorable