Tatum's federation timeline

  • the first colony

    the first colony
    the first colony, NEW SOUTH WALES, settled by the british. it was ruled by a governor appoinnted by the british goverment
  • six self-goverment

    six self-goverment
    six self-goverment colonies are estabilshed with similar forms of parliamentary
  • Van deimens land (tasmania)

    Van deimens land (tasmania)
    van deimens land settled from new south wales in 1803
  • referndums

    referndums on the constitution held in all six colonies
  • the current flag

    the current flag
    the current flag was chosen ina unique and democratic.
  • commonwealth franchise

    commonwealth franchise
    commonwealth franchise act and commonwealth electoral act passed.
  • federal election

    federal election
    federal election held under commonwealth electoral act
  • god save the queen

    god save the queen
    god save the QUEEN declared the royal anthem. advance australia fair declared the national anthem
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
    constitutional convention held to discus issues about whether australia should become a republic.