Tatum Ervin's Timeline of Eleanor

By tdervin
  • Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt

    While getting dressed for preschool in the morning, 2 year old Eleanor denies the outfit mom has picked out for her. She shows no interest, and wants to pick her own outfit. During Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (the second stage), the crisis is Eleanor is going to want to be more independent to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills, and choosing her outfit is the way she expresses that independence.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    In school, 8 year old Eleanor wants to do good in her class, and goes home to show her parents that she got an A on her reading test. Her teacher had congratulated her, and her parents hang the test on the fridge and tell her good job. In Industry vs Inferiority (the Fourth stage) the crisis is between wanting to accomplish age-appropriate things to gain approval from her peers. Eleanor is reassured by her peers and that boosts her self esteem.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    18 year old Eleanor is now in college and finally decides to find a boyfriend. She dates him for two years but they end on good terms. They just grew apart. Heartbroken after the breakup, but able to move on. The relationship was healthy and after she moves on, she's ready for another relationship. In Intimacy vs Isolation (the sixth stage) Eleanor was ready for a relationship, found a healthy relationship, and ended on good terms. The crisis is between healthy and unhealthy relationships.