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Tech Inventions of the 2000's

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    inventor(s): Amir Ban, Dov Moran, and Oron Ogdan of M-Systems
    How they helped us: USB Flash Drives allowed us to move into a digital age where we could store larger digital information in a smaller package. Before, it took 5442 floppy discs to hold the same amount of information
  • Apple Ipod

    Apple Ipod
    Inventor: the iPod was developed by Apple under Tony Fadell
    How it helped us: Before the Apple iPod, there weren't many good high-quality mp3 players, and anything really good was expensive, but apple developed the iPod to fix that. Eventually, the iPod would grow to become the iPod touch which laid the grown for the iPhone.
  • FaceBook

    Inventor(s): Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes
    How has Facebook helped us: Facebook has allowed us to obtain almost complete global communication virtually for free using the internet. Through Facebook, People can put out their word and interact with people using photos and text to share messages and lifestyles. Facebook laid the ground for the social media uprise.
  • YouTube

    Inventor(s): YouTube was made by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim How has YouTube helped us: Before YouTube, there was no great way to look up video content on the internet, especially not for free. YouTube allowed people to make a video about virtually anything and post it on the web for free and let others see them for free as well. When it began YouTube was small and did not have a lot of information, but now it is the largest entertainment and learning library in the world.
  • iPhone

    Inventors: DEveloped by Apple using hardware engineer Tony Fadell, software engineer Scott Forstall, and design officer Jony Ive
    How has it helped us: The iPhone revolutionized the cell phone market. The iPhone currently takes 15.6% of the global smartphone market and has pushed the rest of the world for many years to develop better and better cellular devices to compete with itself. It has been a massive catalyst for development in tech, especially mobile apps.