
Tashie and Ryry

By tashie
  • FINALLY got together

  • First Kiss

  • Ryan eats vegetables

  • School together

  • Ryans parents scare tashie

  • Birthdays together

  • Date

  • Buy matching Knitted jumpers ;)

  • Ryry adopts a kitten for tashie ;)

  • Try driving to germnay to visit tashies parents and get lost for a week and sleep in the car

  • First Anniversary

  • Conssumate our love ;)

  • First time ryan get drunk

    All tashie's fault
  • Go on holiday togther

  • Adopts a friend for kitty number 1

  • Tashie buys ryry a teddy for his bed

  • Fall asleep outside looking at the sky :105

  • Move in a flat together

    (kiddnaping technically)
  • Ryry lets tashie drive his car for the first time and she crashes it :l

  • Ryan proposes -.-

  • Tashie starts Uni doing easy design stuff

  • First christmas together nd they burn everthing so have cheesy mash and broccoli

  • Get married in maldives

    rolls eyes
    Tashie is tuck now :'(
  • Ryrys 21st tashie does a surprise party with some people he doesnt even know because shes so cool

  • Tashie gets a tattoo and ryry tells her off

  • Ryry graduates Uni

  • Tashie finishes uni after only two years because shes bored

  • Ryry gets a job with a private clinical psychology thingy and gets lotas of money

  • Ryry gets a samoyed puppy for his birthday that tashie named Hannibal for him :)

  • Tashie gets an easy job designing stuff for Alessi

  • Luke and kyle come to stay (11 & 7) and wreck the flat and stress them out

  • Buy a house (white with blue window frames ;) )

  • Whilst redecorating ryry critisises tashies painting so she throws it at him hehe

  • Spend christmas in Alaska so tashie has to stay really close to ryry to keep warm

  • Tashie tells ryry shes pregnant :O :'(

  • Ryry buys kittens number 3 and 4 because tashie is convinced her life is over

  • find out its twins :l so tashie goes to stay with her mum for a few days because she hates ryry for doing this to her atm

  • Tashie has the brats on ryrys birthday and breaks his arm while she is