Tarik's timeline

  • 2300 BCE

    Hinduism pt 2

    Hinduism pt 2
    Hinduism has 4 holy books known as the Vedas(Rig-Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva, Yajur-Veda). Written in the year 1500 BCE during the Vedic period, hence the name. The religion of Hinduism has been mashed with the indigenous people to create the Veda Culture. Hindus are known to be peaceful people. They believe in spirit life and reincarnation. How the reincarnation cycle works is if you were a good person and worshipped the gods you would be born into a great body and vice versa.
  • 2300 BCE

    Hinduism pt 3

    Hinduism pt 3
    Hinduism, like most other forms of religions, have different branches. (Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism) All four of these are based on four different gods, and what the gods want from their followers. These practices are continued to this day and always will be. In this culture cows are considered sacred. If you ever visit India and see a cow on the street it is mandatory to stop and let it pass. Along with different gods, Hindus have different traditions.
  • 2300 BCE

    Hinduism pt 1

    Hinduism pt 1
    Hinduism is one of the few religions that is still polytheistic. Hinduism originated in India in the year 2300 BC and mainly practiced in India. The specific location is the Indus River Valley. One holy place for Hindus(those who practice Hinduism) is the Ganges river. This river is meant for the people to be connected to the gods and ask for forgiveness. Their religious place is known as a Mandir or a temple. A decent 15% of the world population are Hindus. 1.2 billion in numbers. Symbol is Om.
  • 2300 BCE

    Hinduism pt 4

    Hinduism pt 4
    One of the traditions in Hinduism includes Diwali and Holi. Diwali is the celebration of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. It is common to see lights that are released in the sky to show how light is stronger than darkness. The other holiday is Holi a.k.a the festival of colors. Holi is a two day celebration to celebrate the eternal love between Radha and Lord Krishna. Colors are thrown to show the playful love and affection the two once had for eachother.
  • 2300 BCE

    Hinduism final part

    Hinduism final part
    On Aug 14 1947 the British suddenly left India and chaos was ensued. The two major religions, Islam and Hinduism were turning against eachother. Friendly neighbors were suddenly enemies. Pakistan and India were at eachother's throats for control. Millions of Hindus and Sikhs would flee to India from Pakistan and vice versa for Muslims. An estimated one million people died in the span of two days. The violence only stopped when other millitaries started to get involved.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism pt 2

    Judaism pt 2
    Judaism is a suprisingly small religion. Only 0.2% of the world population practices Judaism. 41% live in the U.S. and 41% live in Israel. The other 18% are scattered across the other continents. The holy book is known as the Torah. The Torah was written by Moses in 539 BCE. The symbol is the Star of David which represents the connection between God, Israel, and the Torah.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism pt 1

    Judaism pt 1
    In the year 1800 BCE a new religion was born. Judaism. From the holy patriarch Abraham Judaism came to life. Coming after Hinduism there were small similarities between the two. Judaism started near the eastern region of Canaan. Some holy locations include Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberias. Jerusalem currently holds the orginal Torah. Hebron the tomb of Abraham. Safed is believed that god resides above the city. Tiberias is the place Talmud was served at during the final meeting.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism pt 3

    Judaism pt 3
    Judaism has many holidays/traditions that it celebrates. One of these being Hanukkah. Hanukkah celebrates the victory over the Seleucid monarchy and how they had enough oil to last the 8 nights and 7 days(164BCE). One tradition that is quite common is to have a Bar/Bat mitzvah when you are 13. This is to celebrate the coming of age in the Jewish faith. Judaism has 3 main branches in it. It is Orthodox, Reform, and Consentive. They believe in the ten commandments along with Christianity.
  • 1800 BCE

    Judaism final pt

    Judaism final pt
    The people of the Jewish faith have faced many conflicts regarding their religion like many other faiths. One of the most well known ones is WWll. This was when Hitler decided to invade Poland with the goal of killing all the Jews in Europe. This tragic event started in 1939 and ended in 1945. The most recent one is the Palestine/Israel conflict. This started in 1948 and is still going on to present day. The chaos has gotten worse in 2023 and will most likely continue if neither one try to stop.
  • 400 BCE

    Buddhism pt 2

    Buddhism pt 2
    Buddha then decided he wanted to follow the ways of the monk so he started to meditate. In Buddhism some holy places are shrines which hold the Buddha's ashes along with other sacred Items. Another place is Lymbini which is the birthplace of the Buddha. Buddhist monks are people who follow the Buddha's teachings. The Daharmachka is the symbol of the Buddha's teaching. The first full moon in may is when the Buddha's birthday is celebrated.
  • 400 BCE

    Buddhism final pt

    Buddhism final pt
    The history of Buddhism is commonly known to be peaceful but one day in their history changed all of that. On August 25, 2017 Buddhists monks lead a genocide that killed 24,000 Muslims. There doesn't seem to be much evidence saying why, but with many of the problems people could infer that the monks did it because of religion.
  • 400 BCE

    Buddhism pt 1

    Buddhism pt 1
    Buddhism is the second smallest religion after Judaism. Only 7% of the world's population practices Buddhism. 3.9 million in the U.S. and around 535 practice worldwide. Buddhism started in India and was founded by a prince who is also known as the Buddha. When Buddha got older he decided to journey the world. While on his journey he saw multiple things including an old man, a sick person, a corpse being carried to cremation, and a monk in meditation beneath a tree.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity pt 3

    Christianity pt 3
    The cross represents how Jesus willingly gave himself up to save his people from being forced to become a different form of Christianity(Catholic,Protestant,Orthodox). Some of the holidays that Christians celebrate are commonly celebrating Jesus. The most well known ones include Christmas(the birth of Jesus in Jerusalem) and Easter(the reserection of Jesus). Holy places for Christianity are the Vatican City because this is where the current pope lives.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity final pt

    Christianity final pt
    The Christian faith believes in many things. One of these things include the trinity of god. This trinity is a helpful reminder that god is three people. The father, the son, and the holy spirit. He is one in essence and three in person. This is just one of their beliefs. One of their holidays consists of giving something you love up for one day to represent how Jesus had to give himself up to save the people. It reminds people to be willing to give something up.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity pt 6

    Christianity pt 6
    The pope is a sacred person to the Christian faith. He is one who is devoted to God his whole entire life. He is also seen as a political figure who helps out in world problems. He would be considered the leader. Priests are people who are teaching the way of the Christian faith and trying to get other people to convert from either non-religious or from their original religion. There are currently 2.4 billion followers in the world and 210 million in the U.S.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity pt 4

    Christianity pt 4
    Christianity has had many conflicts regarding its religion. One of these conflicts was known as The Crusades. The first crusade was in the year 1095. The Christians were fighting the Islams over holy land. In total there were 8 Crusades and ended in 1291. This is because the crusades were split up. It wasn't a crazy full out Napoleon type of war.
  • 1 BCE

    Christianity pt 1

    Christianity pt 1
    Christianity is the dominant religion in the world. Around 32% of the world practices Christianity. It started in the 1st century AD. The origin was Judea (where Jesus was born) and started to spread to other countries after. The Americas are the stronghold for Christianity, but it can be found on all the other continents besides the poles. The holy book is known as the holy bible or just the bible. The symbol that goes with Christianity is known most commonly as the cross.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity pt 2

    Christianity pt 2
    Christianity started to spread when Jesus was traveling with the 12 fishermen. He was known as a kind and selfless man who was never known to be vain. Jesus started out in the Judaism religion but as religions started to expand so did the ideas. Both the religions, Islam and Christianity have taken ideas from Judaism. Abraham, David, and Moses.
  • 1 CE

    Christianity pt 5

    Christianity pt 5
    The last of The Crusades was in the year 1291. The Christians where defeated by the Muslims due to the fact that they won more wars. An estimated guess of the people who died is around 2-8 million. Even though the Muslims won the Christians had a lot of money and could cleanup remains of war easily meanwhile the Muslims weren't as rich and had a harder time cleaning up.
  • 610

    Islam pt 2

    Islam pt 2
    The Islamic faith believes in one god,Allah. They follow Allah and do what they can to please him. Women wear hijabs in public due to this(it is not required though. Unless you live in a religious based country). The holy scripture is the Qur'an. They believe in the ten commandments which they stole from Judaism.They also celebrate Ramadan. This is where they starve themselves from sunset to sunrise. Their symbol is the Cresent and star
  • 610

    Islam pt 1

    Islam pt 1
    Standing at 23% with 1.2 billion in the world and 7 million the U.S. Islam is the second largest world religion after Christianity. Islam started near the Arabian pennisula around Mecca. It was the prophet Muhammand who heard a message from Gabriel and soon turned into the preacher to Gabriel. A specific holy location is the Masjid Al-h Aron. This is common prayer area where people come to pray and is consider sacred.
  • 610

    Islam final pt

    Islam final pt
    The Islamic faith has participated in three of the conflicts on this timeline. The Partition of India, The Crusades, and the Palestine/Israel conflict. Crazy enough it is with three different religions. Hindus,Christens, and Jews. Many people died in all of those events and are still dying. Around a total of 10 million people died in all of those conflicts and the number is exscpeted to keep rising.